July 26, 2011

Just a Tuesday

Today feels like a monday...but it's not it's just a tuesday. The plan for the day was to catch up on all the laundry that I have gotten wayy behind on. :(  When we first moved into the house I noticed that my wonderful extra large washing machine was leaking. We thought that the tub had gotten off track from the move, so Chris worked on it and it stopped leaking. Now almost a year later it has decided to leak again, way more than it leaked before might I add. So Chris again worked on it but hasn't been able to get it to stop leaking so far. I have been putting towls down to soak up the water leaking out and doing small loads because they don't seem to leak as much. We have also found out there is no local washer repair person that can come look at it, they are about an hour or so away AND the person Chris talked to said our washer is going to be very expensive to fix, blaaah. Anyhow with the leaking and being so busy with the kiddos and everything else, the laundry has gotten backed up. So I got ALL the laundry seperated and ready to be washed and went to start the first load and wouldn't you know we are out of laundry detergent!!

Lilly making lunch (hers and Olivia's favorite..PB&J)

July 25, 2011


For a while now I have wanted to change some things on my blog. I haven't had time to do much else besides post pictures and such  here and there. I just couldn't help it.... today every minute I've had to get on the computer I have tried to do something to my blog. Why I have done this while Kali is on vacation and in another state I do not know. She helped me when I first started the blog and any time I have had a question. (Thanks Kali) Sooo, please bare with me while I try to figure out what I'm doing OR while I wait till Kali gets back and shows me how to fix what I've done wrong, haha.

July 23, 2011

Not again!!

This is Chip aka "Chipper". He has a problem... and
me being his owner it has become my problem! He is
a hoarder/pack rat, not sure what else you could call it.  

This is underneath my bed! It takes about a week for it to get like this. 
No matter how hard we try to keep all things picked up or bathroom doors closed
he always finds a way to get into everything.   
This is not even that bad, it has been way worse than this before.

4 socks, 2 pencils, an envelope, hair clip, a thumb tack, a house shoe
and tons of shredded up napkins, paper towels and toilet paper.
We may need to plan an intervention or take out an ad in the paper
for a free dog...just kidding. :))